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Voices for the Future Logo_edited.png

"Anna was very proud and excited to be participating in the event and sharing this experience with her friends"

"My daughter grew in confidence as the term went on"

"It was amazing to perform for her school at Alexandra Palace"

Voices for the Future was a two-year project aiming to embed creativity and anti-racist practice in six primary schools in Haringey through teacher development.  


The partnership and collaboration explored ways in which artists and teachers can work together to develop an antiracist led, arts-based approach to teaching and learning. It explored how this approach can help address the gap in global majority children’s attainment in Haringey. The project provided teachers with the skills and confidence to deliver inclusive arts-based learning across the curriculum. 


Underpinned by a focus on care and wellbeing, artist practitioners and teachers co- created and embedded a multi-disciplinary arts-based approach to teaching and learning with a particular focus on improving oracy and diversifying the curriculum. 


Voices for the Future culminated in a performance and exhibition of work created by the very talented children and teachers from the six Voices for the Future primary schools across Haringey. This celebration of the two-year project took place at Alexandra Palace in May 2024 


The project was developed following a successful partnership between Alexandra Primary school and Collage Arts who took part in Haringey Creates’ networking programme for schools and arts organisations. 

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The Willow Exhibition

All photos were taken by Year 3 children in Winter 2023 and Spring 2024. Themes included 'Community' 'People Who Help Us' 'Buildings' and 'Signs and Logos'.

Take a look at our program here...


Take a look at our full evaluation here...

We interviewed participants involved in the voices for the future project, take a look at what everyone had to say below...

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